Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Week 7

Week 7 Update

For this week, Evelia focused her attention on finishing up the last details on the third rail. We needed to ensure that we also had a straight section of the third rail in order to support the bogie over the gap left by the splitting of the track. Below is the image of our latest third rail as well as how it looks mounted onto our track. 

We have also decided to focus on finding a manufacturer ASAP in order to start building our track. After looking through what was left of the track, we found that we can make the supports for the third rail will not be adding those to our budget. We understand that all full-scale teams need this track in order to display their designs so we are hoping to start on building something as soon as possible. 

We also figured out how to get the track into the new building without knocking down any walls. There are two double doors on the front side of the building which are wide enough for the track to fit through that is almost a straight shot to the room we may be building in. The plan is to move the track next Wednesday with the help of some of the other teams.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Week 6

Week 6 Update

Last week, we were not able to present due to time running out. However, this gave us the opportunity to add a couple of things to our presentation. Evelia updated the third rail images in order to show everyone what it looked like mounted. David worked on the budget in order to provide our treasurer the amount of money we will be needing. Below we have attached both the budget and the updated presentation. 

On the budget, the wood component prices should be almost 100% accurate as the prices were sourced directly from Home Depot, but will likely be reduced slightly once we are able to sort the left over lumber from the old wooden track. Metal costs were based on a quick average from a couple online suppliers, which will hopefully be around the price, or lower, than what we can source locally. There is also some additional scrap that can be reused, including some plate steel that the flanges can be made out of.

PartQuantityUnit CostTotal Cost
2x2 Steel Tube34$7.00$238.00
2x6 Lumber 10'16$9.00$144.00
1x6 Lumber 10'9$10.00$90.00
2x4 Lumber 8'2$3.00$6.00
4x6 lumber 6'8$8.50$68.00
2x6 Steel6$16.00$96.00
Flanges 3.6"12
Flanges 1.6"6

Total Cost$742.00

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Week 5

Week 5 Update

For this week, David and I decided to focus our attention on finishing up our first design (and hopefully final) of the semester. We have now mounted the third rail as well as a couple 2x2 bar supports. The third rail is slightly off center, and we will be working on fixing this as soon as possible. We mainly just wanted to ensure we had the correct height of the third rail as well as a concept to showcase for the teams. Below is an image of the third rail mounted onto our latest design. 

We have also been focusing on wrapping up the first presentation. We are eager to show our progress this semester. Below is the presentation we will be presenting to the teams on Wednesday. We want to point out that we did not get the chance to present due to time running out. However, we will take this opportunity to amp up our presentation and continue working on it for next week.